<VV> Argentine Corvair Club

Wrsssatty@aol.com Wrsssatty@aol.com
Wed, 19 May 2004 14:47:38 EDT

At long last I have received a reply to my inquiry directed toward the
proposed Argentine Corvair Club.  Below is the reply message I received
followed by
my translation.

Bill Stanley

<Hola Amigo , en primer lugar gracias por tu interis !

            Te cuento que estoy cambiando el website del corvair , por eso
todavia no hay nada de informacisn .

Tengo el auto desde 1998 y conozco a mas de 10 dueqos, del mismo automsvil ,
diferentes aqos.Aquino hay casi modelos del corvair , me dijeron que solo
quedan 20 en el pams y no se los ve por casi ningzn lado .

    En junio de este este aqo se organiza una mega exposicisn de autos
tunning y tenia ganas de presentarlo , pero no creo que llegue, por los
tiempos ,
necesito hacerle un trabajo de pintura que me va llevar mas de dos meses.

    En cuanto tenga novedades , estere en contacto nuevamente .

Gracias por tu interis !!!!


Pablo N. Villaronga
Analisis y Desarrollos de Sistemas
Mobile: (011) 155-009-9945
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Email: Pablo.Villaronga@sky-tech.com.ar

Hello Friend,  First of all, thanks for your interest.

I tell you I'm changing the Corvair website, that's why still there's no
information (on it).

I've had the car since 1998 and I know of more than 10 owners of the same
(kind) of car, different (model) years.  Here there are hardly any Corvair
models, they tell me that only 20 are still around in this country and you
ever see them anywhere.

In June of this year a mega show of "tunning" (tuning?) cars is being
organized and I had wanted to show it but I don't think it's gonna happen, I
need to
do some paint work and that's gonna take me more than two months.

Whenever I have news, I'll be in touch right away.

Thanks for your interest!!!
