<VV> Re:A "Thank you" from the Chairman

Ken Wildman kwildman@postoffice.onu.edu
Tue, 18 May 2004 12:14:51 -0400

At 11:31 AM 5/18/04 -0400, Kevmcclain@aol.com wrote:
>Hey everyone,
>     I keep seeing this title. Who is the chairman? Chairman Kaga from Iron
>Chef??? J/K by the way I used to call my buddy the chairman after removing 
>interior from his dart and using a lawn chair for a front seat for a day or
>two. -Kevin McClain

Actually, there is no "chairman".  There is a list moderator chosen from 
the hordes of volunteers on the list.  We've had several, some moderate, 
some immoderate, some making rules, some breaking them, some taking it 
seriously, some not.

Just part of the madness of Corvair ownership on the internet.   :)