<VV> vendors

Louis C. Armer, Jr. carmerjr@mindspring.com
Fri, 25 Jun 2004 17:35:43 -0400

Maybe this could go to VV talk and then you could be even more direct
and it could be worked out instead of beating it to death on VV where it
barely qualifies and no one wants to talk about mass murderers.

Chuck Armer
At 09:17 PM 6/25/04 +0000, you wrote:
>Hi JR--You too Ron!
>Sage Advice, Indeed my friend.
>Here's another nugget of wisdom, such as it is coming from a Polack.
>Larry Claypool (the infamous lclc) is also the CORSA service and parts 
>advisor. If Ron had a problem with a vendor who lists his services in our 
>magazine or advertises therin, Larry could possibly have worked out 
>something agreeable to both parties. If the repair shop or vendor decides 
>to go about with his hindparts attached amidships of his shoulders, his 
>priviliges to advertise and be listed as a CORSA approved shop could be 
>For my own information, if Ron is willing, I would like to know which shop 
>he had the problem with. To be kept Personal and Confidential, and not 
>discussed with anyone.
>FWIW, I have it on Good Authority that at least one Vendor who doesn't 
>participate in our group has a couple of "SNITCHES" who inform them when 
>someone has complained about them in this forum. I have known this and the 
>person's name for over 2 years, but I won't ever mention it here. To do so 
>gives the snitch an ego boost they don't deserve.
>For sure, this person is not a sneak, they are a SNITCH.
>As a former law enforcement person, I can assure you that though we use 
>snitches for information, they are at the bottom of the criminal society 
>ladder in our opinion as well as the opinion of the  rest of the 
>sociopaths who they snitch on.
>Remember the words of Charles Manson to Spahn Ranch Hand Shorty 
>Shea---"It's not nice to snitch, Shorty"....He disappeared from the ranch 
>just before the Family was arrested for Tate/LaBianca...
>To hear Charlies girls tell it, Charlie killed him, dismembered him, and 
>buried his remains in 7 different places on the Ranch in Chatsworth, 
>CA---no trace of him has ever been found.
>Some even more grueling evidence of this can be found in books about 
>prison riots...Attica NY and Santa Fe, NM come to mind quick---Snitches 
>are murdered during a riot much faster than officers, who the inmates 
>consider just doing their job.
>And the fortitude necessary for this person to come out would be more 
>testicular than intestinal. <G>
>Regards HANK

Corvair Atlanta, BOD
CORSA Tri-Membership Chairman