<VV> 4 speed trans adjust
Rich Taylor
Thu, 3 Jun 2004 11:23:53 -0700
original question
>I have a 65 corsa with the 66 trans. I don't believe it is a problem
> for the stock adjustment, but I am having a devil of a time getting
> this thing adjusted right. I had it working in all the gears but it
> was hard to go into 2nd and 4th . so I went to it and now I cannot
> even get reverse. Is there any tricks to this? Do I need a whole new
> shift assy.
I seem to forget to be appreciative. One reply helped in solving my
problem. The 1.5" difference in the length of a Saginaw trans was the
correct fix. I had the whole thing apart and my son running the
shifter. Got it way up in the air and watched it work. The front
receiver for the shifter was hitting the front edge of the car frame.
This must have been screwed up since the person replaced the trans.
Anyway I loosened the back clamp and tapped the inner tube back (about
1.5" - which really helped me believe it was the right thing to do)
until it was centered in the shift assembly up front and the trans in
neutral. It shifts like a brand new car. It is beyond words how happy
I am with my corvair!
Thank you all for your help.
Rich Taylor
65 corsa 180