Frank Replies Seriously Re: <VV> Replying to a Frank question
Sat, 31 Jul 2004 17:06:59 EDT
In a message dated 7/31/04 4:46:42 PM Eastern Daylight Time, writes:
FrontMan answers,,,,, Frank "stickler for details" Burkhard:,,,,,,,,,,,,
22 seconds on a 95%F day with 67% humidity at 876 feet
above sea level and 0 mph breeze using Mobil One 5w30 oil, American
Pi safeguard and metered water injection assuming that the octane
of the Amoco Premium 93 octane has not deteriorated due to excessive
time spent in the fuel tank of a seldom driven Corvair !!! <GGG>
Hey FrontMan,
I assume 22 seconds was at "full boost", but just how MUCH was full
boost?? 10 psi?? I certainly agree that the SafeGuard AND metered water injection
is the way to go to control the temps. The SafeGuard is particularly
effective in instantly reacting before the flow of water can reach the airstream.
Did you use an Aquamist system to meter the water flow? Do you have any idea of
how MUCH water was flowing? Maybe as a percentage of the gasoline flow? I
figure that a H2O flow of about 1/3 of the fuel flow should decrease the air
temp around 100 deg.F. so that would probably bring back the temp to near
ambient depending on the boost level and the efficiency of the turbo compressor at
that level and the air flowrate.
The main problem with excessive time for fuel in the tank of a seldom
driven Corvair is the formation of gums. Son Jim's got me using Stabil to
prolong the life and then he has me drain out as much gas as possible before winter
(when the car doesn't run at all) and replace it with a full tank of new 93
octane to which Stabil is again added. This lasts until the next fall when the
process is again repeated. And you think I'M fussy!!!!(:-)
Frank "learning from son" Burkhard