<VV> Fine threads in Aluminum - Hubbell
Tony Underwood
Tue, 27 Jul 2004 17:07:35 -0700
At 04:49 hours 07/27/2004 -0400, Sethracer@aol.com wrote:
>In a message dated 7/27/2004 12:06:27 PM Pacific Standard Time,
>whubbell@cox.net writes:
>Spark Plugs
>Carburetor top screws
>Idle Mixture Screw
>Idle Speed Screw
>Distributor Cap and Points Plate Screws
>Fuel Pump Cover Bolts
>Bill Hubbell
>Plugs are metric (But not the only metric threads on a Vair, another nice
>trivia question) The rest on your list are small screws and, while small,
are not
>technically "fine" thread. They are the size equivalent of a 1/4-20 but
>smaller. Hint - Same thread as the Thermistor. -Seth
If you're talking about the '65 and '66 Corsa and turbo head temp snap
switch, I thought we'd already covered that one, and that you were talking
about something else.
All Corsa 140 and Turbo heads were tapped 3/8X24 for the thermistor and a
matching fine thread cylinder head temp snap switch. The rest of the
snap switches were 3/8X16.