<VV> Fine threads in Aluminum - Hubbell
Tue, 27 Jul 2004 16:49:54 EDT
In a message dated 7/27/2004 12:06:27 PM Pacific Standard Time,
whubbell@cox.net writes:
Spark Plugs
Carburetor top screws
Idle Mixture Screw
Idle Speed Screw
Distributor Cap and Points Plate Screws
Fuel Pump Cover Bolts
Bill Hubbell
Plugs are metric (But not the only metric threads on a Vair, another nice
trivia question) The rest on your list are small screws and, while small, are not
technically "fine" thread. They are the size equivalent of a 1/4-20 but
smaller. Hint - Same thread as the Thermistor. -Seth