<VV> Dream engine...
Mark Chapman
Tue, 27 Jul 2004 14:45:03 -0500
I have a theoretical question for all of you.
If you were to build, or have built, your "dream" Corvair engine to be used for the occaisional cruise, but mainly for track days or DE events, what would this engine "look like?" This engine would be going into a street legal 66 Monza vert body that had a very nice refurbishing done. Suspension would be decided later also.
This "dream car" would not be for the purist, but rather for the spirited, experienced driver who wanted to have fun in it rather than seek Concours points or ratings... Please keep in mind that the majority of time, this car would spend time on the track (not autocrossed) rather than the street...
Come on guys and gals, let me know what you think!!!
Mark Chapman
66 Monza vert with hole where engine used to be
67 Monza coupe