<VV> Spyder logo art
cash case
Mon, 26 Jul 2004 13:44:03 -0500
For the Chevy arachnid lovers-
I've finished the spyder logo art and it looks great. It's in my pics
folder in the fastvair group.
I think I'll have it silk screened onto shirts. I've checked on the
price and depending on what the interest is it looks like black
t-shirts would cost about $27 +/whatever it will cost to ship them if
we have only 24 shirts printed. The price drops quite a bit if we get
48 shirts.
Anyone who is interested, take a look in the fastvair group if you're a
member. If not, just let me know if you'd like to see the image an I'll
email a small version to you.
[demime 0.98e removed an attachment of type image/jpeg which had a name of cash face.jpg]
Cash Case
"Some people are like slinkies.
They're not worth much,
but you can't help but smile
when they tumble down the stairs!"