<VV> Brake Saga Continues!
Louis C. Armer, Jr.
Mon, 26 Jul 2004 14:02:07 -0400
Rick, I am parting out a 65 cvt. that is almost ready for the crusher.
Let me check and see what condition the brake block is in and I will
e-mail you this afternoon.
Chuck Armer
ps. I have other Corvair parts available. Anyone need something special just
drop me an e-mail.
At 10:08 AM 7/26/04 -0700, you wrote:
>It now appears that no amount of tightening will stop the fluid from leaking
>around the connector to the brake fluid distribution block on my '65 Monza.
>This is the point where the tubing from the MC connects to the block under the
>dash. I fear that I have deformed the fitting inside the block as I have
>tried numerous hand-flared and store-bought tubes in the block without
>success. Corvair vendor does not appear to carry the '65 brake fluid
>distribution block (3/16" lines to front and rear brakes). Does anyone have
>any ideas where I might purchase a new or used replacement. Any suggestions
>that might assist me in bringing this unbelievable journey to an end would be
>Rick T
Corvair Atlanta, BOD
CORSA Tri-Membership Chairman