<VV> Re: New Pope...........NO CORVAIR
Marc Sheridan
Wed, 21 Jul 2004 22:02:28 -0400
Thank you for your opinion. However, I think your post should have had "NO
CORVAIR" in the title (as the rules state) or been posted to vv-talk :o).
Personally, I think Matt has done a wonderful job as chairman. This list is
self policing (your post as evidence) and Matt knows when to speak up and
when to stay out. However, I agree, politics (non car hobby) and religion
have no place on this list.
Marc Sheridan
From: "Hank Kaczmarek" <kaczmarek@charter.net>
> Good evening everyone
> As this is the internet, but we do have rules, I would like to comment on
> this thread and Mark's reply to Bob Helt and Norm.
> I have sent Mark an off list reply, in accordance with our rules I didn't
> start an on list flame war. he might reply, he might not. don't care, it
> isn't a problem for the list.
> For those of you who weren't around a short 4-5 years ago, there was quite
> bit of off topic stuff regarding religion and politics In this forum.
> be the first and not the last to say that I was in the middle of it, and
> generated a lot of it, and was always in hot water with Dennis (then the
> Chairman) about it.
> Since that time I have grown, where you can't see it as well as places
> you can <G>. The invention of VV talk gave those of us who enjoyed
> political issues, religion, and things NOT corvair (as if there were any)
> place to do this without bothering those who weren't interested. After
> becoming a Vairorg member, and then serving as Chairman myself for a
> of years, and some outstanding 20/20 hindsight, I see that this was the
> right thing to do. And my previous conduct was wrong.
> Now it seems to be that there is a hell of a tug of war going on in this
> country. Folks in the Entertainment industry, and those whose view they
> share, have gotten into the habit of using any available opportunity to
> excercise their right to freedom of speech to bash the President of the
> United States, his Administration, his political party, and other Leaders
> of what could be labeled conservative organizations. This includes the
> Father of the Catholic Church in Rome. I don't like having to constantly
> listen to these people in their bully pulpit crashing at the ideals and
> values that I strive (not always successfully) to emulate. VV Talk was
> another of those places.
> A few months back, I left VV Talk. There was more than one reason for
> reaching this decision. One of them was that the small group of Liberals
> populated the list didn't appreciate not being able to be Michael Moore,
> that meaining they could say what they wanted about politicians they
> agree with, (outright lies OK), and not being able to get away with it .
> They didn't like a conservative matching them (and bettering them IMO) .
> much shrill whining in the sandbox for me. Reminded me too much of the
> network news, which I don't watch for the same reason.
> In so doing, since I am not on digest, my VV Talk and VV messages are no
> longer mixed together. Reading my VV messages, whether at work, or at
> is now a respite from the news of the day. The rules say no posts on
> religion or politics on VV. It's a good rule.... Perhaps it should be
> better enforced.
> And since it appears that one of our Resident Liberals got to make his
> statement without a warning from our ever vigilant (yawn) Chairman, I will
> now get off my soapbox. Please excuse the long path to the crux of my
> I thought it was necessary..