New Pope, was: <VV> Carb issues (humor)
Hank Kaczmarek
Wed, 21 Jul 2004 21:00:10 -0400
Good evening everyone
As this is the internet, but we do have rules, I would like to comment on
this thread and Mark's reply to Bob Helt and Norm.
I have sent Mark an off list reply, in accordance with our rules I didn't
start an on list flame war. he might reply, he might not. don't care, it
isn't a problem for the list.
For those of you who weren't around a short 4-5 years ago, there was quite a
bit of off topic stuff regarding religion and politics In this forum. I'll
be the first and not the last to say that I was in the middle of it, and
generated a lot of it, and was always in hot water with Dennis (then the
Chairman) about it.
Since that time I have grown, where you can't see it as well as places where
you can <G>. The invention of VV talk gave those of us who enjoyed debating
political issues, religion, and things NOT corvair (as if there were any) a
place to do this without bothering those who weren't interested. After
becoming a Vairorg member, and then serving as Chairman myself for a couple
of years, and some outstanding 20/20 hindsight, I see that this was the
right thing to do. And my previous conduct was wrong.
Now it seems to be that there is a hell of a tug of war going on in this
country. Folks in the Entertainment industry, and those whose view they
share, have gotten into the habit of using any available opportunity to
excercise their right to freedom of speech to bash the President of the
United States, his Administration, his political party, and other Leaders
of what could be labeled conservative organizations. This includes the Holy
Father of the Catholic Church in Rome. I don't like having to constantly
listen to these people in their bully pulpit crashing at the ideals and
values that I strive (not always successfully) to emulate. VV Talk was just
another of those places.
A few months back, I left VV Talk. There was more than one reason for
reaching this decision. One of them was that the small group of Liberals who
populated the list didn't appreciate not being able to be Michael Moore, by
that meaining they could say what they wanted about politicians they didn't
agree with, (outright lies OK), and not being able to get away with it .
They didn't like a conservative matching them (and bettering them IMO) . Too
much shrill whining in the sandbox for me. Reminded me too much of the
network news, which I don't watch for the same reason.
In so doing, since I am not on digest, my VV Talk and VV messages are no
longer mixed together. Reading my VV messages, whether at work, or at home,
is now a respite from the news of the day. The rules say no posts on
religion or politics on VV. It's a good rule.... Perhaps it should be
better enforced.
And since it appears that one of our Resident Liberals got to make his
statement without a warning from our ever vigilant (yawn) Chairman, I will
now get off my soapbox. Please excuse the long path to the crux of my post.
I thought it was necessary..
---And leave you with this thought from the Left.
----- Original Message -----
From: "airvair" <>
To: <>
Cc: <>; <SadekCH@NSWC.NAVY.MIL>;
Sent: Wednesday, July 21, 2004 4:44 PM
Subject: New Pope, was: <VV> Carb issues (humor)
> Actually, we've needed a new one for generations. One who's mindset
> isn't medieval. (G)
> -Mark (and I'm Protestant)
> wrote:
> >
> > In a message dated 7/21/04 9:15:26 AM US Mountain Standard Time,
> > writes:
> >
> > > Does this mean we have a new
> > > pope?? ggggg
> > >
> >
> > Do we need one?
> >
> > Regards,
> > Bob Helt