<VV> Re:o-rings
Gary Swiatowy
Mon, 19 Jul 2004 22:08:43 -0400
> From: Bonnzz@aol.com
> Date: Mon, 19 Jul 2004 18:46:50 EDT
> To: virtualvairs@corvair.org
> Subject: <VV> o-rings
> Hey guys,
> I was replacing the o rings on my 66 140 Corsa today. Started out to be a
> simple job until I removed the bottom tin.....the previous owner had taken
> silicon and completely filled in the voids on both ends of the push rod
> with his fingers....took 3 times the work to replace the o rings due to
the fact
> that I had to clean all that red junk off both ends of the block and the
> tubes...any body else run into this situation??? could this be a Corsa
tech guide
> suggestion from the 70,s?? lol
> Mark Kinnan Lake Placid, Fl Bonnzz@aol.com
> P.S. Thanks for all the help with my last question.....
> 62-63-65 parts cars 64 Spyder (daily driver) 66 140 Corsa on jack
> in process of being reborn
When I started reading this post I thought you may have gotten one of my old
vairs from the 70's, but then I remembered I only used blue permatex
we used to call it blue-goo, or So-sa-done, (when people questioned that
name we said "So sa don't leak!"
Great for sealing the leaks around the front and rear glass when it was
Not from any tech tip, but it was what was on the workbench of the garage
where I worked back then
Just pulled the motor out of my 383 which I built back in 76. Used the blue
goo to seal the pan gasket, when I just took it apart there was absolutely
none between the gasket and the pan, it was either outside or inside the
Gary Swiatowy