<VV> "Funny" Compression Reading
Mon, 19 Jul 2004 19:22:57 EDT
Hoping someone has an idea as to why I am getting some extreme compression
ratings on an engine. It is a late model 110 that sat dormant since 1970. It was
given the normal witch's brew and slowly resurrected over a period of several
days and fired off pretty nicely except for the expected smoking. It has been
run for about an hour in periods of 10-15 minutes over several days. Don't
want to go too long as all the cooling passage are almost completely clogged.
The compression readings on cylinders 2, 4, 6, and 1 are 130-135 psi, but 3 and
5 are 180! I've checked it several times and get virtually the same readings.
Any idea what's up with this? Thanks,