<VV> Thermister door
Eric S. Eberhard
Mon, 19 Jul 2004 13:06:18 -0700
That is not a thermister door --> thermister is the temp sensor on the left
head. It is a door for cooling. It is controlled by liquid filled baffle
arrangement. When it fails it sticks open. You likely need a new one. I
would check first that all the rods are in place :-) They are getting hard
to find new ones now, but several vendors sell used ones.
At 11:49 AM 7/18/2004, Louis DeRobertis wrote:
>Hi All,
>Is it normal on a 180 for one of the thermister doors to always be
>open? The one on the driver's side on my Corsa is always open - the other
>one only opens when the car gets hot (which is what I thought they should
>both do). Something amiss somewhere?
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Eric S. Eberhard
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