<VV> Powerglide stuck in Low...Rear pump
Barry Gershenfeld
Sun, 18 Jul 2004 12:09:08 -0700
A follow-up for the three or so people that took an interest in my
problem. I realized after a time that losing the rear pump could also make
the thing go into Low. The test for that is to see if it can be "push
started". Last Friday it decided to go into Low again and on the next
down hill I went through the procedure...with negative results.
I have a car with a bad engine (look in Spring 2001 for "mosquito fogger")
that I'm going to "borrow" the PG from. I have started dropping the
powertrain and hope to have that part done today. I started yesterday and
couldn't get the brake drums off. Seems every job has an SOB waiting in
it. The actual time to do repairs is a whole lot less than the time
hunting for tools, containers, places to put stuff, places you put stuff,
and the uh, difficulties (yes I could choose a better term for use on a
mailing list, but what?)
I wonder how others view these "surprise events" when approaching the next
job? This is one reason I try to make everything right, and put it back
together right. Such as chasing bad threads so the bolt doesn't strip next
time, putting grease or anti-sieze on things so they will come apart next
time, and not using that RTV stuff because it is never going to be the
"last time I do this". And substituting the right part for the one that
was close but didn't come off the way they normally do or required me to
have 3 sockets to fit the 3 different sized bolts....
I also wonder how many daily driver 'Vairs there still are out there? This
is my transportation, has been since 1980, but I can't really keep up with
it these days. If I buy a new car, I know that will be the end of this
hobby. Until then, I enjoy the ride that I have created.