<VV> Who is Selling the Higest Quality Fuel Pump? (humor?)
Norman C. Witte
Thu, 15 Jul 2004 16:53:08 -0400
You hear that everybody? Lon says buy only Brand X fuel pumps!
Lon, if you drive that van at night are you whistling in the dark?
Norm Witte
> -----Original Message-----
> From: virtualvairs-admin@corvair.org
> [mailto:virtualvairs-admin@corvair.org]On Behalf Of corvairs
> Sent: Thursday, July 15, 2004 4:36 PM
> To: Mikeamauro@aol.com
> Cc: virtualvairs@corvair.org
> Subject: Re: <VV> Who is Selling the Higest Quality Fuel Pump?
> Mike - Here on the internet you will get a whole lot of opinions on
> this. This issue has become so poisoned and polluted by people with
> personal axes to grind, and has been so muddled with bad, anecdotal,
> "evidence" and "case histories" that it would take a book to
> list them
> all - and 80% of the information would range from just plain wrong to
> dangerously stupid. For example "Corvair mechanical pumps are
> inherently unreliable" - total rubbish - but yet it's
> repeated over and
> over again.
> You'll also hear that you have to buy your fuel pumps from only one
> select vendor - again total rubbish. The fact that an individual has
> used pumps from source "X" (That includes us) and never had any
> problems, so that MUST mean buy ONLY from source "X" - is
> total rubbish.
> The fact is MOST Corvair parts from MOST Corvair vendors are
> perfectly
> fine. I run deer whistlers on my van and have never hit a deer - that
> means they work - doesn't it? In fact you should only buy the
> brand of
> deer whistlers I use becasue I've never hit a deer - Who can
> argue with
> that? A lot of us, I hope.
> We sell Master brand fuel pumps. We sell an average of 75 to 100 per
> month. Maybe 1 or 2 a month come back with unexplainable problems.
> These pumps are all I use on our Corvairs, which we daily
> drive and put
> about 30,000 miles a year on. Those are all facts. Make of
> that what you
> will.
> In Junior High school it was mandatory to take a semester's course
> called "Logical Thought Process" - At the time I thought it
> was stupid.
> Now I realize it should be mandatory in all the schools.
> After dealing
> with the consuming public for 30 years I am amazed almost
> every day how
> many are out there who either can't logically work through a
> problem or
> just simply don't care to.
> All the rumours, claims and outright attempts to muddy the waters on
> this issue have been a great disservice to Corvair owners. I wish the
> issue could be rationally analyzed and investigated - but
> there always
> seems to be someone unwilling to let this kind of approach
> stand on its
> own merits. Lon
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