<VV> Who is Selling the Higest Quality Fuel Pump?

corvairs lonwall@corvairunderground.com
Thu, 15 Jul 2004 13:36:29 -0700

Mike - Here on the internet you will get a whole lot of opinions on 
this. This issue has become so poisoned and polluted by people with 
personal axes to grind, and has been so muddled with bad, anecdotal, 
"evidence" and "case histories" that it would take a book to list them 
all - and 80% of the information would range from just plain wrong to 
dangerously stupid.  For example "Corvair mechanical pumps are 
inherently unreliable" - total rubbish - but yet it's repeated over and 
over again.

You'll also hear that you have to buy your fuel pumps from only one 
select vendor - again total rubbish. The fact that an individual has 
used pumps from source "X" (That includes us) and never had any 
problems, so that MUST mean buy ONLY from source "X" - is total rubbish. 
The fact is MOST Corvair parts from MOST Corvair vendors are perfectly 
fine. I run deer whistlers on my van and have never hit a deer - that 
means they work - doesn't it? In fact you should only buy the brand of 
deer whistlers I use becasue I've never hit a deer - Who can argue with 
that?  A lot of us, I hope.

We sell Master brand fuel pumps. We sell an average of 75 to 100 per 
month. Maybe 1 or 2 a month  come back with unexplainable problems. 
These pumps are all I use on our Corvairs, which we daily drive and put 
about 30,000 miles a year on. Those are all facts. Make of that what you 

In Junior High school it was mandatory to take a semester's course 
called "Logical Thought Process" - At the time I thought it was stupid. 
Now I realize it should be mandatory in all the schools. After dealing 
with the consuming public for 30 years I am amazed almost every day how 
many are out there who either can't logically work through a problem or 
just simply don't care to.

All the rumours, claims and outright attempts to muddy the waters on 
this issue have been a great disservice to Corvair owners. I wish the 
issue could be rationally analyzed and investigated - but there always 
seems to be someone unwilling to let this kind of approach stand on its 
own merits. Lon