<VV> Interior (dash) paint codes for 1965?

James Davis jld@wk.net
Wed, 14 Jul 2004 09:37:31 -0500

I use half flatter and half  Imron 50 on my Corsa convert dash 20 years ago 
and it is still holding up. Be advised there is Imron 30, Imron 50 , Imron 
5000, and Imron 6000.   Imron 50 is available in any color that you can 
find a mixing code for.  DuPont micro files list the codes for almost every 
car, tractor or truck color.  Your jobber just has to ask the division 
office for the mix codes if the does not have them in stock.
Jim Davis

At 08:42 AM 7/14/2004, Macdonald David wrote:
>This is the same color scheme as my car. I think there
>was only one blue interior scheme in '65.
>I got on the phone to the FLAPS in my area and drew a
>blank on sourcing this paint (I was only asking about
>the flat 9196LH dash paint). Seems that Dupont pulled
>all the lacquer off the shelves earlier this year.
>According to some it's now banned in Massachusetts,
>others reported that it's legal here but Dupont killed
>the whole line.
>In any case, they could not find a cross reference to
>that paint code in modern paint. After work I went
>into one of the small local cahins where I knew I
>would find a receptive guy behind the paint counter.
>He dug in the files and we found the Dupont page with
>the color samples including my 9196LH. He spent a lot
>of time trying to find a way to make it but, in the
>end said that he could custom match the color and come
>close but there was no way that you can get to a zero
>gloss flat using the enamel they sell. He reports that
>you can use a flatener but that will only get you down
>to 35% gloss. Using more flatener than recommended
>will result in less gloss, but he told me that he
>thinks the paint will not hold up and may peel if you
>used too much flatener.
>I'll continue to look for this paint and report