<VV> Brake material thickness
J R Read_HML
Sat, 10 Jul 2004 00:00:11 -0500
If the fluid is down, it could also be a master cylinder leak.
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Later, JR
----- Original Message -----
From: <seoxford@att.net>
To: "VirtualVairs" <virtualvairs@corvair.org>
Sent: Friday, July 09, 2004 10:56 PM
Subject: <VV> Brake material thickness
> "How thick should the brake pads be? I have to push the peddle harder to
make the car start to stop. Not unsafe feeling, but figured it is a good
time to check things out..."
> Chris - EM factory min spec is 0.160 inches minimum thickness, though with
today's shoe material, that thickness will not last long. I've forgotten
what you're driving, but assuming it's a '63 or later, the automatic
adjusters should be keeping the brakes reasonably well adjusted, as long as
you make enough stops in reverse.
> You could have a small leak in a hose, connection, or wheel cylinder
boots. Are you losing any brake fluid? If you're losing some fluid, then
you should be able to find the leak reasonably easy, though you may have to
pull the drums.
> If you're not losing any fluid, then you could try bleeding the brakes
again - and while you are at each wheel, check the operation of the
automatic adjuster and manually readjust each brake.
> That's the extent of my ideas - especially since you really are not
experiencing any other braking problems other than a "soft" pedal.
> Good luck! I don't think it will take too much work to get a firm brake
pedal back.
> Steve Oxford/'63 conv.
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