<VV> Technical manual advertisement
Sat, 31 Jan 2004 18:05:09 EST
The CLASSIC CORVAIR technical, repair and maintenance manual is positively
the most informative and complete book of its kind. If you are interested in
Corvairs, want to do your own work, and love Corvair information, then you will
want to have this book. I'm so sure of that, that I offer a 30 day money back
guarantee (less shipping) if you are not satisfied. Why not order your copy
today and find out everything you want to know about your Corvair. Your
satisfaction is guaranteed.
Free Word file showing the Table of Contents is available upon request at
bobhelt@aol.com This will show you all what is covered in the book.
THE CLASSIC CORVAIR is available from the author at $29.95, plus $4.95
shipping (US and Canada), $8.95 overseas. US funds only. Sorry, no credit cards or
Paypal. Send check or money order to:
Bob Helt
3016 Pearl Harbor Dr.
Las Vegas, NV 89117