<VV> Heads 2

JVHRoberts@aol.com JVHRoberts@aol.com
Sat, 31 Jan 2004 16:59:21 EST

Which studs are you talking about? Carb studs? Exhaust manifold studs? 
Generally the hardware store variety of threaded rod is not all that strong. 
Also, if memory serves me, the end that is in the head is oversized, so it'll 
be a tight fit, something you're not going to get with all thread. SS is only 
Grade 4, at best, and although stronger than the Grade 2 stuff at Home Despot, 
it's still not up to the Grade 5 the OE used. 
Doesn't Clark's or someone sell replacement studs for this?


In a message dated 1/31/2004 2:49:51 PM Eastern Standard Time, 
twright@vaxxine.com writes:
I am working on new 140 heads, and I have to put in new studs. I can go to the
local hardware store and get threaded rod, but should I be looking for a
coated metal, or a stainless? Even a coated will rust where I cut it, but I
can paint the exposed areas. Should the studs be set in loctite?

Tom Wright
66 Corsa 140
Corsa Ontario