<VV> voltage regulator problem / grounding
Charles Morgan
Thu, 23 Dec 2004 08:26:23 -0800
Matt, look at Fig 2c and Fig 3c on page 6Y-5 of the '65 manual. Fig 2c
shows three ground connections within the regulator. Actually, those
connections are just to the case. The case itself must be grounded (via
the short firewall wire) for the regulator to work. That also applies to
replacement transistorized versions.
Charlie Morgan
Beaver State Corvairs
At 10:36 PM 12/22/04, Matt Nall wrote:
> > Yeah - there's a little ground wire from the base of
> > the regulator to the "firewall", above the regulator.
>HMMMMMMMMMM! 65 wiring diagram does not show it! And I've never seen one
>on ANY GM /Delco combo...