<VV> 'Vair 4 sale in Mex. (was Corvair prices)
Alan and Clare Wesson
Sat, 11 Dec 2004 09:40:30 -0000
The car in their stock that I like is what is described as an 'SS Fiera' but
looks like an early 70s Opel Commodore to me! Wouldn't mind the 40s Packard
Coupe as well, but their prices are just silly!
Lotus 7 S2 and S3 spares and restoration specialists
----- Original Message -----
From: <Wrsssatty@aol.com>
To: <virtualvairs@corvair.org>; <dmonasterio@megared.net.mx>
Sent: Saturday, December 11, 2004 1:39 AM
Subject: <VV> 'Vair 4 sale in Mex. (was Corvair prices)
> <From: "Daniel Monasterio" <dmonasterio@megared.net.mx>
> *SNIP*
> Subject: <VV> Corvair prices
> If you want to see a highly priced Corvair go to this link:
> http://www.seminuevos.com.mx/novaera/busquedas.asp?excAgencia=ON&agencia=Nova
> %20Era
> *SNIP*
> they are asking about US $ 12,000>
> Though it's definitely not stock (and I'm ordinarily a stickler for
> stock),
> I really like the paint scheme/color combo on the dash! Me gusta!
> Bill Stanley
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