<VV> re: Rarity
Bob Earls
Fri, 10 Dec 2004 18:06:13 -0800
To support the claim that rare cars aren't necessarily the most valuable, take
a look at business coupes from the late 30s, 40s, early 50s. These were the 2
dr. cars that had no back seats and cavernous trunks, used by traveling
salesmen to carry samples. They were always the most junior, strippo model,
and made in very small numbers (sometimes only 200-300 in a car line such as
Packard that would make 200,000 cars) They were considered utility vehicles,
used, used up and thrown away. Very few exist today of any marque. Hot
rodders prize them, and they do have a following, but they're at the bottom of
the food chain value-wise. The cars that usually rate the most money today
are the ones that excited people when they were new, or that hold a certain
historical value (provenance) or ultra-low mileage.
Bob in Portland
"Cogito eggo sum"
(I think, therefore I'm a waffle)