<VV> RE: Cheap Tools
Frog Princezz
Fri, 10 Dec 2004 08:22:13 -0800 (PST)
Hey all
Just in case I wasn't the last to know, Sears/Craftman has a tool club. It's free and you get 10% off your Craftman tool purchases. You can log on to the Sears or Craftman website and find out how to join. I just purchased two Craftman shop work lights while on sale plus the extra 10%, the lights are normally $30 each I got two for under $40 after taxes. Yeah 10% isn't much but every little bit helps right. When I first got my car days later I bought my first tool set a Craftman 96 piece mechanics set normally $80 on sale for $60 plus the extra 10% which really works out to only 4% because Michigan has 6% sales tax but still I was able to treat myself to some ice cream with the savings.