<VV> Discoveries in the car
Eric S. Eberhard
Sun, 05 Dec 2004 11:32:28 -0700
I bought a not running 61 Lakewood wagon chuck full of boxes of "junk" for
300 bucks. The junk turned out to be NOS parts and rebuilt parts. I kept
half the parts, sold the other half for 800 bucks on ebay. And also the
car for 1700 bucks. The ONLY time I came out ahead :-) The car never even
left my trailer -- it went directly from my trailer to the new owner's
trailer. I still have hubcaps and grills and generators and so forth from
that car.
At 10:26 AM 12/4/2004, Russ Moorhouse wrote:
>I found under the driver's seat of my car, an 12/11/70 accident report
>from the State of Louisiana, that the original owner had. Apparently the
>had run off the road and damaged the rear and side of the car when he hit
>a post on U.S. Dept of Agriculture Forest land. He was in the Army at
>that time and Stationed at Fort Polk.
>This was on a car that was stated as never being in an accident! I've
>found two minor fender bender repairs on this car, but no sign of anything
>Russ Moorhouse
>'65 Corsa coupe 140 HP
>Group Corvair Member
>Corsa Member
>Kent Island, MD
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Eric S. Eberhard
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