<VV> Re: Gasket/RTV- GEN/FAN & electrical -Arjay Morgan

Bill Hubbell Bill Hubbell" <whubbell@umich.edu
Thu, 22 Apr 2004 10:52:23 -0400

I bow to your superior intelligence, Sir!  I myself rarely use gasket sealer
of any type, as it makes removal of the item so much more difficult, and I
usually have equally good results with the gasket alone.

Bill Hubbell

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Sadek Charles H DLVA" <SadekCH@NSWC.NAVY.MIL>
To: "Virtual Vairs" <virtualvairs@corvair.org>
Cc: "'Bill Hubbell'" <whubbell@umich.edu>
Sent: Thursday, April 22, 2004 10:01 AM
Subject: Gasket/RTV- GEN/FAN & electrical -Arjay Morgan

> Billy, Billy,
> Please don't use RTV.  You can make a gasket out of cardboard as you
> suggest.  <SMIT>
> I suggest folks really make sure what they are doing when they add
> or use RTV.  The stuff flakes everywhere on the inside of surfaces, and
> contaminates the oil.
> 3M Weatherstrip adhesive makes a good gasket cement using a gasket
> plus the adhesive to a clean dry surface = works to 80 psi. at the rear
> housing.
> The best product-not cheap-is The RIGHT STUFF by Permatex.  There
> are other 'similar' tubes at your FLAPS. They are no good compared to this
> stuff-used with a gasket.
> One drawback of the adhesive and Right Stuff products-you need three
> men and a kid to get the parts apart.
> All IMHO
> Chuck S
> YS73