<VV> Re: '63 door handle removal
chris czepyha
Thu, 22 Apr 2004 09:26:30 -0400
Ok I pulled the handles. Good thing. The door panel will need to be
replaced, it is quite warped. Now the what is the correct way to get the
lock cyl off. Tried pulling on the angle piece, but it would not budge.
Thinking of grabbing it with a pair of vice grips and pull strait out.
On Wed, 21 Apr 2004 22:40:02 -0400 "Bill Hubbell" <whubbell@cox.net>
> The door handles are not hard to re-install. You can get them on and
> off
> using a small 1/4" drive ratchet with the appropriate sized socket.
> The
> larger work is the rest of the door.
> When I did my show car ("Alice"), we actually had the doors off the
> car when
> it was painted. The doors were hung by their hinges on angle-iron
> stands to
> be painted while the door frames were sealed with plastic sheeting
> held on
> from inside by the pinchweld molding. It made for a seamless paint
> job of
> the door jambs
> See photos at this site:
> http://community.webshots.com/album/136434707ymQszu
> Note: this was actually a re-painting of the car, only one year
> after the
> first attempt. Due to improper prepping, the car had to be almost
> completely re-stripped, primed and painted. This second paint job
> was
> applied in 1997 and has held up well.
> Bill Hubbell
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