[V8Vairs] Wheels and Tires

Ken Campbell deltainc at grm.net
Mon Jun 18 23:52:04 EDT 2012

joel sez --
it still be better (but more difficult) to run 0 caster and change the 
control arm geometry to tilt the tire?
Joel McGregor
well, caster steering cuts in as soon as you crank the steering wheel, thus 
prying up the outside 1/4 of your car ( also the inside rear quarter..heh 
heh ..)  .....the time delay occurs when you need to turn an opposite corner 
right away ... oooops, your car is now tweaked the wrong way !  count to 
one/and .....

for street use, where corners are far apart,    i think about 2 degrees 
caster makes the car more comfortable to drive .

for a track use where corners are time-wise close together, the best way is 
to obtain the correct tire-stickiness and run zero caster.  additionally, 
too much caster means your car is tweaked backward coming out of corners.. 
keeps you from dumping tons-o-power early in exit.

camber gain ...well, remember this doesn't take place until your chassis has 
already rolled ...  might work for a long sweeper ...or  maybe an oval 
(g)..not my bag.   i just set camber gain to keep the tire upright as the 
chassis rolls as much as the spring rates and bump stops allow for that 

i might note that a conservative setup will usually be close... and mainly 
might let the driver get more track time, which is an advantage all by 

just some thoughts...ken


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