[FC] Carter YH - Turbo - Advertisment

Clark Hartzel corvanatics@corvair.org
Sat Jun 21 13:58:01 2003

I agree with Paul on this subject.  The engine room is just too small on an
FC to have all that heat confined in there.  Might work on a Rampside if you
build a special higher engine cover with lots of louvers or wire mesh to
allow ventilation.
Also highly recommend an electric fuel pump on any FC as vapor lock is a
problem.  I remember going up to a 12,000 foot high mountain pass in
Colorado with my Greenbrier and getting out to take some pictures.  Couldn't
get the engine restarted as all the fuel boiled out of the carbs and pump.
Fortunately I parked on a downhill grade and coasted down the road for
several miles with the key on and the truck in gear before it ever sucked
fuel back into the pump and carbs.  Scared the hell out of my family but all
ended well.  I learned after that to open the trap door or engine cover to
let the heat out when I stopped.
As soon as I got home I added an electric pump and never had to worry about
vapor lock again.
Clark Hartzel

-----Original Message-----
From: corvanatics-admin@corvair.org
[mailto:corvanatics-admin@corvair.org]On Behalf Of Paul Steinberg
Sent: Saturday, June 21, 2003 10:41 AM
To: corvanatics@corvair.org
Subject: Re: [FC] Carter YH - Turbo - Advertisment

If you used a complete turbo engine it would work, but would not be a good
choice in my opinion.  If you want extra power consider the 140 HP engine.
is a better running engine and will fit without extra work.  If you use the
Spyder engine, the floor engine cover will not fit and will have to be
modified, something that you don't have to worry about with the 140.  If you
decide to go the 140 HP engine route, then consider getting 1968 or 69
and secondary carburetors for the smoothest running engine. .... Paul in CT
  ----- Original Message -----
  From: craig Desaulos
  To: corvanatics@corvair.org
  Sent: Saturday, June 21, 2003 10:32 AM
  Subject: Re: [FC] Carter YH - Turbo - Advertisment

  Has anyone tried a spyder turbo oi a FC? I wanted to try it but heard it
would burn the engine up fast  due to the weight increase

  Craig 63 Greenbriar 6 and 8 door

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