BSCC- Tire

Cynthia Lacasse-Bontemps cynthiabon at
Tue Jul 29 17:30:25 EDT 2008

Oops should have read all my emails before replying to Jim's. You got a plan
there Ray.


From: bsc-list-bounces at [mailto:bsc-list-bounces at] On
Behalf Of Ray & Kathy Bombardier
Sent: Tuesday, July 29, 2008 11:50 AM
To: Bay State Corvairs (MA)
Subject: Re: BSCC- Tire


Good morning Jim,


Seeing that video, sparked a lot of member feedback.  If it wouldn't be too
much trouble, by all means bring the tire along.  Actually all our spare
tires are mounted 'upside-down' and seeing that the DOM info is on that side
it should be fairly easy for most of us to see at least when our 'spare
tires' were manufactured.  To retrieve that information on the rest of our
tires, it would be much easier if the car was on a lift and you had a
drop-light to read the DOM code for the inside side-wall of the tires.
It'll be interesting to see the various dates pop up on our supposedly 'safe
tires' and when they actually were made.


Thanks to Pete Cuipenski for the suggestion to bring a tire to the meeting
and to you for bringing one in.  This whole topic should be very interesting
to those members who do not partake in the  <mailto:bsc-list at>
bsc-list at  as they aren't aware of this discussion.   


See you tomorrow night.    Ray 'B'  


----- Original Message ----- 

From: Jim Bengiovanni <mailto:jimb26 at>  

To: Bay State <mailto:bsc-list at>  Corvairs (MA) 

Sent: Tuesday, July 29, 2008 8:15 AM

Subject: BSCC- Tire


I have an unmounted 14" tire that I can bring to Wednesday's meeting if no
one else is planning to bring one.


Someone make a management decision and advise me one way or the other.


Jim Bengiovanni



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