BSCC- Saturday's Tech-Day at Bernie's

Ray & Kathy Bombardier bomma at
Fri Feb 29 10:46:30 EST 2008

Hello once again everybody,

Winter in New England; what are you going to do???    

       Although tomorrow, March 1st, is the pre-scheduled "Snow Date" for the Tech-Day at Bernie's, "Nader" the God of Snow has once again reared his ugly head and is sending yet another snowstorm our way. I just watched the latest weather, and from I-495 out looks like they're going to get 8+ inches right across the MA Turnpike to Bernie's in Southampton.   Unlike last Saturday's storm which ended very early on Saturday, this storm promises to last until mid-day.  Paul Cuipenski and Walt Carlson are keeping the luncheon they planned for us in the freezer until next Saturday, March 8th with a snow date of Sunday, March 9th.  Perhaps we can even get a few more folks to join us next Sat. the 8th than we would have with the snow forecast for overnight into tomorrow.   For the drive out next week, as previously planned, if you wish, you can meet at my home in Milford around 8:30AM and by 8:45 we'll carpool out to Bernie's from here.  Call or e-mail me during the week if you plan on attending or if you would like directions to Bernie's from your own location.

        So once again, stay home, stay warm, be safe and pray that "Nader", the snow God is merciful, and we'll see you next Saturday.   Ray 'B' 

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