BSCC- UPDATE: Reminder..........

Ray & Kathy Bombardier bomma at
Mon Aug 25 16:16:20 EDT 2008

Hi everyone,

         Just a reminder that the August monthly meeting will be this Wednesday at The Tavern Restaurant in Plainville and that I've been in contact with the Attleboro Sun-Chronicle newspaper, (that covers the Plainville area), and they have agreed to do a piece about our club at our "New Home" in Plainville.   I told them we were at our last location in E. Walpole for over 2 decades and that we would like to introduce our club to the Plainville community.  They have agreed to send out a press photographer to set our cars up for a good photo shoot so I ask that you all make an extra effort to not only attend this meeting but to drive your Corvair to the meeting as well to be included in the newspaper photo.  If you can, please try to arrive around 6:30 PM as the photographer should be there by then to get us parked properly for a good picture and finished so we can move inside to get the meeting started as close to on time as we can.  
        Another point I want to remind you all about; if any of you have any last minute donations for Door Prize Give-Aways or items to be included in any of a number of themed baskets we're assembling for the Chinese Auction table, please bring those items in with you Wednesday evening with our sincere thanks.  We have an amazing assortment of donations to be raffled off at this year's "Clark's Fall Classic" car show.   Four generous people have been nice enough to sponsor one class of Corvairs at $46.00, (3 trophies in each class), thereby slowing the drain on the club's treasury.  We will do our best to compile a list of people and businesses to thank in the October VairForce due out by the last week of September.  All those who already made donations so far of gift items, monetary or just your time helping out in some way, you have my personal appreciation.  With the help you've all given and with the promise of so many to help out with the 'physical running' of the Clark's Show, this can't help but be our most successful endeavor to date.  Your willingness as a group to help in any way you could is terrific.  I've received calls from folks we don't see that often; Jim Kazilionis from Portland, ME comes to mind, "Ray, we're coming to the Clark's Show.  How can we help out?"    Minni Shaughnessy, the widow of former BSCC member Pat Shaughnessy, donated $46.00 to sponsor the "Early Sedan" class in memory of her late husband Pat, who previously owned 'Kermit', Cathy McCafferty's '60 sedan. 
         I want you all to know how proud I am to lead a club as great as our Bay State Corvair Club.  Thank You!!    See you all Wed. Night!!   Ray 'B'
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