BSCC- Anyone selling a late convertible?

C. Raia c_raia at
Sun Aug 5 20:55:03 EDT 2007

It was good to see so many of you at the VolksVair
show yesterday. Congratulations to all the trophy

Paul agreed to sell our car yesterday to a nice couple
from the Cape, then had terrible sellers remorse, a
sleepless night, and decided he couldn't go through
with it after all. He gave them the bad news tonight.
I know many of you saw that we were pretty
shell-shocked yesterday, and we thank you all for your
kind words. Corvair folks are just too nice, we
couldn't bear not having a vehicle to participate in
all the fun events. 

Our potential buyers were understandably upset, and
Paul promised to help them find another car. We hope
you can point us toward any you know on the market.
They're looking for a late convertible in turnkey
condition, preferably an automatic. We'd appreciate
any leads. They are a great couple and we hope we can
bring them into the Corvair fold.

We're looking forward to seeing folks at Bay State's
winery tour in a couple of weeks--with our Monza
convertible. Whew!


Boardwalk for $500? In 2007? Ha! Play Monopoly Here and Now (it's updated for today's economy) at Yahoo! Games.  

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