BSCC- Question(s)

Paul Raia paul.raia at
Fri Jul 7 09:16:08 EDT 2006

Hello y'all,


Celia and I are hoping to drive our Corvair to Buffalo, and we would like to
caravan with others in Corvairs.  Is anyone  planning to make the trip in a
Corvair?  Is anyone planning to go in a water-pumper?  When are you planning
to leave?   


This year a cure!



Paul Raia, Ph.D.

Director of Patient Care and Family Support

Alzheimer's Association, Massachusetts Chapter



From: bsc-list-bounces at [mailto:bsc-list-bounces at] On
Behalf Of rick macdonald
Sent: Wednesday, July 05, 2006 9:38 PM
To: bsc-list at
Subject: BSCC- website updated!!


Well, I did a little "refreshing" of the club website...I updated the events
calendar from July to October, and added a few pics, some of which were
lifted from the latest newsletter...Keep those pics coming!


and why don't I have a sweet picture of the Sedani-mobile!?!?!?!


Also: In the next week or so there will be a new "podcast" on <>  that I was featured
in. It's basically a sort of interview of yours truly along with a V8 vair
owner from Kalamazoo. It's a pretty interesting way to get to know the
members of that great forum!! I'll send out an email when it is up on the
site..and of course I made several mentions of the best dang Corvair club on
earth!!!   See ya in RI?   -Rick

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