BSCC- Vin. Nos.

Joey Smiley drvair at
Fri Aug 18 08:30:16 EDT 2006

Hey gang, This is interesting info. You should try it sometime.
In reality I hope what will happen is that your dealership parts person will have the BRAINS to ask for proof of ownership, aka a valid registration and a photo I.D., Since I spend a few years in this position I know a lot of stories that came through on this topic and have seen a few shady characters asking me to cut keys. We did have a few repo services ask for keys but we always asked for susstantiating paperwork to verify their validity. Still, It may be fun to find how sharp your local dealership is!
                               Joey O.

>From: Chuck Cromwell <corvairguy at>
>Date: 2006/08/18 Fri AM 05:57:13 CDT
>To: "Bay State Corvairs \\\\\\(MA\\\\\\)" <bsc-list at>
>Subject: BSCC- Vin. Nos.

>      Here is info worth the price of your car
>       Seems that car  thieves have found yet another way to steal 
>your car or truck without any effort at  all.
>The car thieves  peer through the windshield of your car or  
>truck, write down the VIN # from the label on  the dash, go to the local car
>dealership and request a duplicate key based on the
>VIN  #.
>    My friend didn't  believe this e-mail, so she called a dealer<BR>and pretended she had lost her  keys. They told her to just bring in the<BR>VIN #,and they would cut her one on the spot, and she could order the <BR>keyless device if she  wanted.<BR><BR>The Car Dealer's  Parts Department will make a duplicate key
>from the VIN #, and collect payment from the thief who will return  to 
>your car.
>He doesn't have to break in, do any  damage to the vehicle, or draw<BR>attention to  himself.        All he has to do is walk<BR>>up to your  car, insert the key and off he goes to a local  Chop Shop with<BR>your  vehicle. You don't  believe it?
>It IS that  easy. To avoid  this from happening to you, simply put some 
>tape (electrical tape, duct tape or medical tape)  across the VIN Metal
>Label located on the dash  board. By law, you cannot remove the VIN #, but
>can cover it   so it can't be viewed through  the windshield by a car<BR>thief.<BR>I urge you to  forward this to your friends before some other car thief<BR>steals<BR>another car or  truck.<BR><BR>> > > >     Slip a 3 x 5  card over the VIN  NUMBER.<BR>  IF YOU  DON'T DRIVE.   PASS THIS INFORMATION ON TO  ALL YOUR  FRIENDS.
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