BSCC- Sunday's Cruise to Fonzie's

Ray & Kathy Bombardier bomma at
Sun Aug 13 18:37:23 EDT 2006

Ray B. here.   

        Just a note of thanks to our "Little Dynamo" of an event coordinator, Elaine Sedani for putting together another great, fun filled event, cruise and breakfast at Fonzie's Diner, tour of his museum and the cruise to the Cape Cod Canal where we had a surprise 50th Birthday Party for Cathy McCafferty who was accompanied by her Mom..   The terrific turnout shows we're doing something right.   The company was great, the weather picture perfect and it was a nice length of a drive for my 1st Cruise in the new and improved  "Black Beauty."   At one point Peter Roca said, "Shouldn't you open the hood so Lionel can get some air?"  LOL

        Speaking of Lionel, he did a fine job as the car ran like new with NO PING.  Kudos' to Lionel for a frustrating (for us both) job, well done. I just have to address a few smaller issues to finish it up that can be done as I go.   The main thing is, "Black is Back".   We missed a lot of events this year and hope to make up for that after Kathy gets back on her feet after her hip replacement.  She wanted me to say she missed you all at this event and she's hoping to be mobile enough to make it to "Corvairs on the Grapevine".  (I think this is too soon after surgery but we'll see at that time.)   Right now it's one day at a time and I see her improving slightly each day.   No real setbacks as of yet.   We've received too many cards, calls and e-mails to acknowledge you all personally.   Saying "Thank you for caring", seems inadequate but it's true and heartfelt from us both.   Ray & Kathy B.
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