BSCC- Rick's Engine Saga Update

robert sedani r.sedani at
Mon Aug 7 16:06:09 EDT 2006

hi rick
i got a old set of wires that work fine if you want them let me know...bob s.
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: rick macdonald 
  To: Bay State Corvairs (MA) 
  Sent: Monday, August 07, 2006 3:39 PM
  Subject: RE: BSCC- Rick's Engine Saga Update 

  They are new Clark's magwires...I'd like to test them 1 at a time to see if they are all firing the same.....

  Paul Raia <paul.raia at> wrote: 
    Hey Rick, Glad to hear that you are making progress with the stuttering, skipping, dying problem.  Another thought might be the ignition wires.  What condition are they in?  
    This year a cure! 
    Paul Raia, Ph.D. 
    Director of Patient Care and Family Support 
    Alzheimer's Association, Massachusetts Chapter 
    -----Original Message----- 
    From: bsc-list-bounces at [mailto:bsc-list-bounces at] On Behalf Of Rick MacDonald 
    Sent: Monday, August 07, 2006 10:31 AM 
    To: bsc-list at 
    Subject: BSCC- Rick's Engine Saga Update 
    This could be like a soap opera, couldn't it? 
    In the latest episode, I decided to try switching one little part at a time, 
    seeing if there was any difference thru trial and error. 
    To Wes J. and the Raia's: I put a new fuel pump on, and it was no 
    different...nice idea but no cigar! 
    Anyway, Friday nite when I parked it (after a new rotor and dist. point cam) 
    which by the way enabled me to get the dwell WAYY better than it was, with a 
    proper gap even!! 
    it was actually running worse than ever when I parked in disgust. 
    I purposely didn't talk about it at Volksvair, I wanted to keep a positive 
    outlook on such a nice day! 
    So, Sunday as I was mowing the lawn I let the car idle in D for 10 minutes, 
    and sure enough it started to stumble and skip right on cue when fully 
    warmed up. 
    I had a spare condensor, and with that it seemed a "little" 
    longer threatening to stall but still had the occasional miss. 
     I had one new coil in my parts collection, so I threw it on there. 
    No stalling! It did seem to idle better so I took it for a spin, and went 
    all over town..Not once did it almost stall at a stop light, or hesitate 
    under acceleration. There was one hil l that it did skip a few times on, 
    just as the PG was about to shift. 
    But I drove it for nearly an hour all around EB with no problems. 
    Performance wise I'd give it a B- since I'm too cautious to call it "fixed" 
    but it was driving more steadily than ever before. 
    I'm fairly certain there is still something electrical causing that 
    occasional skip, but we'll narrow it down soon! 
    1 random thought: The valve springs in there are just "frankensteined" from 
    other motors...there is an occasional tapping that comes and goes, seeming 
    to be from 1 area each time. Does anybody think those springs are too weak, 
    and when they start tapping they are not closing the valves tight enough to 
    support combustion?  How about "installed valve spring height"? I have never 
    understood that concept, but I MAY remember some different thicknesses of 
    shims being in there, but it was so long ago I can't tell you exactly how I 
    installed them, shimmed up or not. 
    I do plan on a good hot valve adjustment in the near future! 
    Rick MacDonald 
    The Smith Print, Inc. 
    90 Longwater Drive 
    Norwell, MA 02061 
    781-878-5555 tel 
    781-878-2040 fax 
    rickm at 

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