BSCC- Kathy B. Update......

Ray & Kathy Bombardier bomma at
Thu Aug 3 22:23:47 EDT 2006

Hi, it's me again.

They had Kathy up on her feet this morning and with help, gingerly got out of bed with all the hoses going in and out of her, took her 1st few steps, (with her physical therapist and a walker of course).   Later this afternoon she was able to complete a 4 step trek, turn, and back to the bed.   It took her several minutes but to Kathy (and me) it was quite an accomplishment.  It took a lot out of her as once settled back into bed and her scheduled pain meds were given, she quickly nodded off for a few hours and woke up shortly before 8 this evening.   They will be letting her come home on Monday if the physical therapy progresses and they feel she can navigate around our house OK with crutches and a walker.

That's about it for now.   It's a little lonesome here this evening but she'll be home before too long.   I will be coming by to visit you at Colonial's Volks-Vair Show per order of my bride.   I won't be driving Black Beauty there this year however as it's still not quite road ready, but Lionel's buttoning it up now and should have it ready to roll for us real soon.   Clark's Show is about 6 weeks from the day of her surgery and Kathy is focused on being there, working the show, (the registration booth) with all you great members in our club.   

Once again, I wish to thank everyone for all your kind words of encouragement.  To borrow a phrase from my friend Millie Gulinello, "Bless your hearts."    Ray B
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