BSCC- Corvair for Sale

David McMillan dmac632000 at
Fri Oct 28 07:55:19 EDT 2005

Wow. What a small world! I used to work with his wife
some years ago. Actually, about ten years... 

Did he give any indication as to how much he was
looking for?

--- CzarinaCatrina at wrote:

> Hi Everyone,
> About two weeks ago, while I was prowling around
> Pawtucket (actually, I was lost) buying Powerball
> tickets, I was approached by a man who told me he
> has a 1966 Corvair for sale.  He said it's a two
> door, maroon in color and in descent shape.  He said
> he thought the only thing it might need is new
> carpets.  This man is on the Attleboro Fire
> Department and I believe he also lives in Attleboro.
>  In any event, his name is John Trinidad and he
> wanted me to pass the word around to the club
> members should anyone be interested.  His phone
> number is 508.761.8620.  He said if anyone is
> interested, feel free to give him a call.
> Looking forward to the brunch and cruise on Sunday. 
> Take care all.
> Cathy McCafferty> 
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