BSCC- Reminder - Upcoming Corvair Events

Sharon Leonard shalibra at
Fri Aug 19 07:27:34 EDT 2005

Reminder - Upcoming Corvair Club Events. 

Just to remind you all that there is a 'Tech Day' at Lionel's house tomorrow, Sat, Aug 20th - Coffee & Donuts being served anytime after 8 a.m. "Lionel's Garage" is behind the house. Brake work on Millie's car will be on view for anyone who wishes to learn from this.  
"Lionels Garage"
27 MacArthur Drive
Milbury, MA

Also - dont forget:

Sakonet Vineyards Show
Route 77, Little Compton, RI
August 28th, 10 AM on.
Tour & Tasting at 11:30.

Remember, the directions to both 'Lionel's Garage' and 'Sakonnet Vineyards Winery' are in your July newsletter.  
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