BSCC- Sakonnet, Next meeting, and Lime Rock...feeling chatty

David McMillan dmac632000 at
Wed Aug 17 22:53:48 EDT 2005

I'm really looking forward to combining my two
favorite hobbies, wining and vairing at the lovely
Sakonnet Vineyards on the 28th. We definitely had a
great time last year and this year should be even
better. I hope more people are able to come and the
weather is NOT as fantastic as this past Sunday (even
though it did NOT detract from our having a good

Regarding the next meeting, I just glanced at my
planner this morning and realized that I won't be able
to attend the next monthly meeting on the 31st. My
company is treating us to a PawSox game "night out"
and I had already signed up me and my brood to
attend..."and it's One! Two! Three strikes your out!
at the old ball game!" really don't want to hear
me sing! 

Debi and I have made reservations for the Lime Rock
Weekend on September 16-18th. The "normal" people are
going Thursday night till Saturday afternoon (when the
Corvair only show ends), but we plan to arrive Friday
morning to catch the practice runs on the track and
the time trials in the afternoon, then attend the show
on Saturday; stay over Saturday night, then do some
vineyard hopping on Sunday(I DID say it was a hobby,
didn't I?). There are about five out there that we'd
like to visit that are each about a half hours
distance from each other. Debi and I have already
visited the Eastern Connecticut vineyards and so far
our favorite is Sharp Hill. Yes, I'm bringing the
sedan...and because I'll never get the hood fixed
before then, I will be purchasing a grill mask for it
from Corvair Underground (I seem to have lost my

I just got in from the garage and have been slowly
dismantling the brake system on the Spyder...I've got
to say I'm a little discouraged by what I've seen
underneath. For those of you who don't know, I've had
the floors replaced and the whole undercarriage
undercoated...but some areas look like they have been
missed or rather blocked by other parts so the
undercoating coverage is not as complete as I'd like
it to be. Looks like I'll have to order some POR 15
and finish the job.

Sorry for being so talkative...

Dave Mac

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