BSCC- Fwd: <VV> Smitty and Helen - the Trip from Hell continues.....

Charles Cromwell corvairguy2 at
Mon Aug 15 19:24:40 EDT 2005

--- Bill Hubbell <whubbell at> wrote:

> From: "Bill Hubbell" <whubbell at>
> To: <virtualvairs at>
> Date: Mon, 15 Aug 2005 14:39:44 -0400
> Subject: <VV> Smitty and Helen - the Trip from Hell
> continues.....
> I spoke with Smitty last night - they were somewhere
> in Nevada heading home 
> after a long and arduous trip.  Smitty had just
> finished replacing his 
> second rear wheel bearing.  You may recall the trip
> began on a sour note 
> with a seized valve in June which caused him to miss
> the Iowa mini.  After 
> ovecoming that problem and setting out again for
> Oregon, he has had to deal 
> with:
> -Broken Speedometer cable
> -Broken fan belt
> -Broken A/C (in the desert, no less!)
> -Failed engine blower bearing
> -Two failed rear wheel bearings
> -Siezed rear axle (differential) - required
> replacement unit shipped from 
> home
> -Engine keeps overheating
> and others I'm sure I have forgotten
> Along the way, both Smitty and Helen have been sick
> at one time or another, 
> and even Dee-O-Gee is ill now.  Smitty has endured
> more than a few injuries 
> from his repair efforts, including getting wacked in
> the side of his face 
> when a lug wrench slipped.
> Their trip has taken them all across the country,
> from Virginia Beach 
> through Kansas, etc., to Portland, up into
> Washington State, down to 
> California, and now on the way home.
> They left Helen's bike in Kansas on the way out
> west, so they have to stop 
> there on the way home to retrieve it.
> When I asked him when they would be arriving home,
> Smitty said, 
> "Mid-October, at the present rate."  But barring any
> further incidents, he 
> hopes to be home in another 3-4 days.
> By the way, they celebrated their 50th wedding
> anniversary on this trip.
> Bill Hubbell
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