V i r t u a l V a i r s C o r v a i r D i s c u s s i o n G r o u p |
V V U p d a t e L o g
W h a t '
s N e
w on V i r t u a l V a i r s |
08/03/09 - Joe Paduano's 1967 Monza sport coupe added to the Scrapbook section |
08/06/06 - Added a link to Lawrence Jahn's 1963 Spyder convertible restoration pictures |
06/26/06 - Added a link to Van Pershing's informative and entertaining Corvair web site |
01/11/06 - Amy and John Adams' 1965 Monza sport sedan added to the Scrapbook section |
01/05/06 - VV's Archive page now includes a site-specific Google search utility |
01/05/06 - A Short History of Virtual Vairs updated by Bryan Blackwell |
12/16/05 - VV's Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) updated to Version 5.0 |
05/24/04 - Mike and Judi Bath's 1963 Monza club coupe added to the Scrapbook section |
03/14/04 - Jon Gilbert's 1968 Monza convertible added to the Scrapbook section |
02/01/04 - Ken Lundy's 1964 Monza convertible added to the Scrapbook section |
12/06/03 - Chris Hand's 1966 Corsa sport coupe added to the Scrapbook section |
05/11/03 - The Top 10 Reasons to Own a Corvair added to the Archive>Library section |
03/02/03 - Jim Tyska's 1965 Corsa turbo convertible added to the Scrapbook section |
10/18/02 - John and Chris Miller's 1966 500 sport sedan added to the Scrapbook section |
09/23/02 - Keith and Joy Klemm's 1964 Monza Spyder added to the Scrapbook section |
10/14/01 - Dave Brown's 1969 Monza sport coupe added to the Scrapbook section |
10/29/00 - Jeff & Maureen Wells' 1965 Monza sport coupe added to the Scrapbook section |
10/15/00 - Benjamin Yaney's 1962 Monza convertible added to the Scrapbook section |
09/16/00 - Robert Pohlmann's 1966 Monza sport coupe added to the Scrapbook section |
08/21/00 - VV Group Photo, Daytona 2000, added to the Scrapbook section |
04/12/00 - Ordering instructions for NHTSA report on Corvair safety |
04/06/00 - Member Roster revised to include newly submitted memberships |
03/14/00 - Member Roster revised to include newly submitted memberships |
03/02/00 - Member Roster revised with many new or updated entries |
02/23/00 - Mark Baehr's 1965 Corsa sport coupe added to the Scrapbook section |
02/23/00 - Robert Marlow's 1964 Monza convertible added to the Scrapbook section |
02/18/00 - Dave Binnie's turbocharged 1965 Monza added to the Scrapbook section |
02/17/00 - A Short History of VV by Bryan Blackwell added to the Archive/Library section |