1486 Parish Line Road
Box 1069
Haliburton, ON. K0M 1S0 Canada
Member of CORSA
Local Chapter/Club:
CORSA Ontario
Corvairs owned:
1966 Monza 110, Conv, 4spd, madiera maroon, purchased 08/2006(after visiting Convention in Buffalo), requires lots of TLC but is basically sound...our first "project". Plated as "LUVAVAIR".
More about myself:
50 YOA, married(second), reside in a small community in rural Ontario, Canada(approx. 2 hrs. north of the City of Toronto). Have always had an interest in all things automotive and have learned a great deal by just "tinkering" and reading. Owned numerous air-cooled autos (VW's) as a teenager and in to my 20's...can't figure out how I missed the 'vairs during this time...finally wisened up and now I am "hooked"...can't wait to retire and spend more time with my new "addiction"!!