1965 Monza Conv 140 Light Blue with White Top, light blue interior.
1965 Monza Cpe, 110, Lemonwood Yellow, Black Interior
More about myself:
2 years ago I realized that my wife had had 6 new vehicles and during that time, I had none as I was driving my 96 Toyota T-100. I began to complain and she said that I should buy a new truck. I didn't want a new truck though because I like driving my old truck through the woods. She said that maybe I should look at getting that Corvair I had wanted since I was a little kid. Good Idea! I searched for a few months before finding a light blue 65 Monza convertible with a 140 engine. I only drive it occasionally and with gas the way it is, my wife began to complain about my truck using too much gas and I needed to do something about it. I told her that what I needed was an older car that I could get for a few thou that got 25-30 mpg and park my truck. She agreed so I told her I was in the market for another Corvair to be my daily driver and thus, a 65 Monza Coupe, Lemonwood Yellow with a 110 engine joined the family!