1964, Monza cpe, pg, red ext/black int. This is my iontro in 'Vairs
More about myself:
I have been enjoying "old cars" since 1984, meaning I own one. Loved cars since I was 4 years old. I have had mostly old AMC cars,but recently bought this "vair" to restore. No more AMC cars in my future as i am "burned out" on that brand. I have always been interested in Corvairs but never had the place to keep one. Got rid of my AMCs and bought this 'vair" when it presented itself recently. I am a "shade-tree" mechanic, but I get by pretty well.
I restore old car radios for many Orphan brand car owners from the 1940s to 1960 as a hobby. I have been an Electronics Tech since 1960. I am retired from full-time employment now.