From bryan at Sat Mar 1 05:00:01 2025 From: bryan at (Bryan Blackwell) Date: Sat, 01 Mar 2025 05:00:01 -0500 Subject: VV Rules Post Message-ID: <> This is the regular posting of the guidelines for using VirtualVairs. If you have comments on this list, please mailto:vairorg at To see the complete VV FAQ, surf over to: In general: - No profanity. - No flame wars. If you have something rude to send, keep it off the list. This includes "I can be rude because you were." - This is a Corvair list, try to keep posts to Corvairs, or at least about cars or air cooled engine technology, especially: - No politics, unless they have *explicit* Corvair or automotive content. - Likewise, no religion. - Indicate actual name and city/state (and country if applicable), and year/model/trans/motor of your 'Vair, this may help clarify your inquiry or follow-up. - If you've asked a technical question, please let us know what the solution turned out to be. - Limit signature files to six lines or less. - Try to make the Subject line fit the post, especially for replies to Digests. - When responding to posts, edit out irrelevant material. - Conversely, include enough so your answer makes sense. - When replying to a Digest, please trim to just the post you're replying to. - Sign messages with your real name. - You can post pictures or other attachments to the list, just attach as usual and the server will store the attachment and put a URL at the bottom of the message. - Please keep your photos under 512KB. If you have many photos, please put them on a web server and post the URL. - ALL emails larger than 8K will be delayed for approval. If your message is of a timely nature, do NOT attach anything and use Plain Text. - Avoid "me too" posts. - No urban myths or virus hoaxes, please. If you haven't personally verified it, assume it's a myth or a hoax. - Use all caps ONLY for EMPHASIS. - There are several special interest lists as well: - Fastvair, for Corvair high-performance matters, - Stock Corvair Group, for all things as they came from Chevy, - UltraVan, the Corvair powered motorhome, - Corvanatics, far all FC Corvairs (trucks), - The Chapters list, for Chapter discussion, plus event announcements, - V8Vairs, concerning V8 conversions, mailto:v8vairs-help at for more info - Corvair Lakewood/Monza station wagons - VV-Talk, for general non-Corvair conversation, - If you must post something non-Corvair, please: - Keep it brief and limit number of posts. - Label jokes as "humor". - Said jokes should be suitable for my 9 year old. - Label non-Corvair messages as "no Corvair". - Better yet, use the vv-talk list, to subscribe, go to: - Please turn off "Return Receipt" for mail you post to the list. - Finally, only post messages that are of interest to a large portion of the list. If your message is generally only meant for a few individuals, please send it only to them. Posting info: - The list address is: virtualvairs at - To unsubscribe, go to - If you need help with VV, mailto:vv-help at and someone will try to help you. - If you have a complaint about a member's post and you can't work it out with them directly, mailto:vairorg at - DO NOT take it up with them on the list. Searching: - You can search the archived posts of all the public lists with a little help from Google, just go to the main Google page and put something like: electric fan Advertisments: - Ads that are Corvair related and preferably on-topic are acceptable. - Please put "For Sale", "FS", "AD" or comparable in the Subject line. - Vendor ads are acceptable, as long as they are not too frequent (once a month or so for unsolicited ads) and adhere to the above guidelines. Vendor ads that explicitly address the topic at hand, preferably with some applicable information, are good. - We encourage vendors to post once a month to help our members find out about you. Be sure to include your company info. - No vendor bashing. If you have a great product, say why yours is great. Personal attacks are expressly forbidden. - Include both the City and State and a phone number with good times to call if you will accept phone calls, especially for cars. - For events, include the above, plus Month, Day, and Time, and directions. Handy URLs for Hoaxes & Virii: URLs for info for new e-mail/internet users: Chat Acronyms. The Acronym Finder. More Acronyms and Abbreviations. IMPORTANT: Flagrant disregard for the above may result in moderation or suspension of membership without any further warning. *-*-*- Last updated: 14 September 2011 -*-*-*