<VV> Calling PowerGlide Gurus.

FrankDuVal corvairduval at cox.net
Sat Nov 6 23:44:02 EDT 2021

Cable installation issue most likely still.

Look at Craig's pictures here:


On 11/6/2021 7:16 PM, Juno Mail via VirtualVairs wrote:
> I am trying to get a 1965 110 hp powerglide convertible finished.  The engine has been rebuilt and has been run and a strong.  The differential has been rebuilt and the powerglide transmission rebuilt by a reputable local shop.  You would think all is well but no.  Even though every bit of linkage appears to be correct and the powerglide cable correctly installed something weird happens when the car is shifted into ‘low’.  The TV lever moves and opens the carburetors with the resulting significant increase in engine speed.  Another issue that may or may not be related is that when the lever is placed into Reverse, the wheels turn but slowly and not responding to increase in gas pedal.  Sometimes when Reverse the wheels will spin a little bit then stop and then start again.We have tried everything we can think of with no success.  Using a special tool (J8365)we have made sure that the valve body linkage setting is correct.  We are beginning to suspect that the shaft from t
>   he TV lever is incorrectly installed.  Figure 7E-2 of the 1965 shop manual is what we are talking about.Any input would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks in advance.

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